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From your most concise report on a topic only covered by a very, very, few...Until now. This is BIG.

"Army soldier Nisim Thapa was competing in the 9th National Games, representing the Tribhuvan Army Club."

"By my incomplete, verifiable count, it was global paragliding fatality #2,164."

"The next day, October 19, the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) put a halt to all paragliding activity across the entire country".



I say,

"What it must be like, to just hike at that crunching HIGH altitude,

lumbering all the equipment and "safety parachutes".

much less, launching into the air...and missing,

and then who tells the parents"?

Paratroopers to paragliders to Paratroopers, oh my.

Hang Gliders in this country should subscribe and write,

and let USHPA go on their own,

and "Happily Paraglide Away".

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